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Tinder Dating Site! These tips are good, but for the conversation starter I would say ask a question about the person's bio. This shows that you actually read what the other person wrote, and are interested in their hobbies/interests (like if a person says they're really into hiking, can ask how often they go hiking, or what's the best hiking spot they've been to). Tinder Dating Site! These tips are good, but for the conversation starter I would say ask a question about the person's bio. This shows that you actually read what the other person wrote, and are interested in their hobbies/interests (like if a person says they're really into hiking, can ask how often they go hiking, or what's the best hiking spot they've been to).

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Why online dating is good


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It’s interesting how, with certain patterns, you can make a great online dating profile.I spoke with Whitney Perry, the founder of the Single Online Dating Guide, who shared a great analogy.If you are wearing a dress that has zippers up the side, you can show what the dress looks like in a different way to different people by zipping it up a bit. The same thing is true for online dating profiles. With different profiles you can show a different side to different people. Maybe your body is a little softer in some photos, or you are extra shy and don’t like the camera or you have a weird-looking nose, or maybe you are cool in person but not so much on paper. When you show a different side to your online dating profile, people get a better impression. Your profile is less like a resume and more like an item you are trying to sell. So, unless your marketing team is a super awesome, skilled team, online dating profiles should only show what you like. You are trying to get out of a space where people are going to feel the need to make assumptions about who you are. And if they do, they are wrong. You don’t have to have an amazing job, amazing car, or money, and you don’t have to be super outgoing, friendly, smart, attractive or wear a dress that reveals a lot of skin or be a brunette.

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