Tips For Indian Guys Dating In Usa

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Answer (1 of 40): I'm going to try and tell you some things that maybe you don't want to hear. I have no skin in this game. I expect that you will have a negative reaction and attempt to argue with me, rather than understand that this is advice from an American auntie who wants you to be successf.

  1. Indian Men
  2. Online Dating Tips For Guys

Dating with someone across country is not something easy to do.

You must find a lot of things that is different between you and your partner.

That is why, it must be important for you, to understand a lot of things about him.

The first thing that is become a problem for you, is because you are dating an Indian man.

It does not mean that dating with Indian man is something scary, but you need to learn a lot of things.

Sometimes, in relationship, you cannot only care about your feeling.

You need to make sure if you really understand, everything about your partner that can make him happy.

Some people say, dating with Indian man is interesting.

There are a lot of things that you should know about India including your partner.

Anushka 22 Private Dating An Indian Guy In America Escorts Bandra, Mumbai. Hi dear, My name is Anushka, a 22 years old bachelorette in Mumbai. I am extremely hot and a co-operative girl with a cute smiling face. Indian means the person of origin of India, a country in South Asia. For the purpose of this article, Indian means anyone of Indian origin living in the U.S., even if the person is a citizen of U.S. Or any other country. Includes second, third and n th generation Indians as well. May 12, 2011 Should you be dating an Indian be cognizant of the fact that they do not eat beef at all, any time, for any reason. Just as Orthodox Jews don’t eat pork, you will not catch an Indian eating cow. Some will eat fish, seafood and maybe occasionally chicken, but those are few and far between. Answer (1 of 40): I'm going to try and tell you some things that maybe you don't want to hear. I have no skin in this game. I expect that you will have a negative reaction and attempt to argue with me, rather than understand that this is advice from an American auntie who wants you to be successf.

However, being open minded must be important than anything else.

How is Indian People Looks Like?

If you are dating an Indian man right now, it must be interesting for you to talk about his country.

Now, you can start to know from how are they do their life.

Most of Indian people is really hard worker, you are also need to set yourself ready when you are dating with them.

According to survey, most of the Indian people, love to get higher education with better quality.

That is why, we can find a lot of Indian people around the world who have a study in world best University.

It makes sense because, most of the Indian people would try to do anything that they already planned for their life.

Even that in some part of India, we can still find a lot of people with less prosperity.

That is why, you need to open your mind and learn everything about him and his country.

There are a lot of surveys say that Indian people are often reach their prosperity outside.

Mostly they are becoming a professional doctor, lawyer, and entrepreneur.

That is why, if you can find some list there are a lot of Indian people live with prosperity in their country.

Even they can have successful live in outside.

They are one of the people who loved to have new challenges, including to work in another country.

What Should You Underlined About Dating an Indian Man?

1. Understand their culture

The times has come that you are already deciding to have a commitment with him.

Your relationship should have a good understanding between each other.

Now, you need to know if Indian culture is away different with other country.

Tips For Indian Guys Dating In Usa

That is why, you need to open wide your mind, and learn new culture.

Dating an Indian man must be interesting, since you will have to enjoy your day differently.

India located in East part of Asia.

Which means that they would have mixing culture, because they are located between east and west part of Asia.

There are a lot of people confuse to understand Indian culture.

However, if you have a true love to your partner, everything must be easy for you.

2. Learn from Bollywood movie

There is no body who do not know Bollywood movie.

The movie represents about India culture, and you can learn everything from the movie.

Even that every people has different family, and raised by different way.

It does not mean that Indian people would have different culture.

You must take some value from the movie, that can guide you to know better about your partner.

3. Choose your favorite actor

Indian Men

Choosing favorite actors that you have never know before must be hard to do.

However, after you watch couples of Bollywood movie, you must understand about what are they look like.

You can also get better perspective about your boyfriend personality that you have never know before.

If you can understand everything about him, even that he is coming far away from your country everything will be easier.

4. Adapt to their food

Online Dating Tips For Guys

Tips for indian guys dating in usa now

Using a lot of herbs in every recipes is one of the characteristic of Indian food.

However, once you are dating an Indian man means that you need to adapt to their food.

Most people find it hard sometimes, because they do not familiar with the taste.

You need to know that you are already choose a commitment to stick together with your partner.

Which means everything that he likes is your priority.

5. Learn Hindi language

The last things are to learn Hindi language.

If you want marry an Indian man, which means that you need to get closed with his family.

However, you need to know that most of the Indian people able to speak English.

There is no reason for you not to lean Hindi, but also you need to consider if you learn Hindi, your partner would love it.

The Best Facts About Dating Indian

1. Respect woman

You must be lucky if you are having an Indian boyfriend.

You need to know that most of the man from India would respect their partner so much.

That is why, there is a lot of Indian man dating with girls from another country.

2. Highly romantic

Before you are expecting about another thing, you need to know that most of the Indian people love to show their attention for you.

They are such a caring person, who loved his partner so much.

Indian people is highly romantic, that can make you feel bigger love every day.

3. Loves to dance

Dancing is one of the popular culture in India.

That is why, you need to learn Indian dancing that can make your partner happy.

It must be important for you, because once you get married you must be able to do this.

However, with all of their unique culture, you must find something amazing on your special day.

Learning about Indian culture is one of the special things that ever happen in your life.

Especially, you can have a chance for dating an Indian man.

If you want to gets better relationship with your Indian boyfriend, you can try to do anything that is on the list above.

However, if you want to be happy, you need to start by understanding everything about your partner.

Hi, I'm Maya, my family is North Indian, and I'm here to save you from looking foolish while dating an Indian girl. This wouldn't be such a necessary talk to have if Indian girls got more screen time in Western culture. Like, I get that we have Bollywood. And Aishwarya Rai is phenomenal and beautiful and pretty much everything I've ever wanted in a poster girl for Indian culture. (I really mean that.) But other than that, when you say 'Indian culture', people automatically say something about Bend It Like Beckham (sick topical reference, pal. *eye roll*), Cece from New Girl, or the saag paneer at their favorite Indian place. There's nothing wrong with any of these topics, of course. I would never throw shade on paneer. (If my grandmother read that sentence, she would give me the most stern look in her Indian grandmother arsenal.) These things are all awesome, but there's so much more, and if you're going to date an Indian girl, you need to at least try to be aware of the rest of it.

Point being, while I appreciate the general appreciation for our food and culture and the occasional Ganesh reference on television, we could expand a little more. Indian culture is full of endless possibilities. Tikka masala is just the beginning (though it sure as hell is a good place to start). So if you happen to be ~crushing~ on an Indian girl first, lucky you because I'm sure she's a knock out and a brilliant, amazing human, and second, here's what you need to know:

1. Yes, her parents probably make really good Indian food (or they at least know where the best Indian restaurants in town are)


I'm North Indian, so my skin is pretty fair, and when people find out I'm Indian and the first follow up question is always, 'Oh, is your mom a great cook?' Ideally you'll want to meet the parents because the relationship is going well, and not because you want to satisfy your Indian food craving, but it's definitely a perk.

2. When she says her parents are conservative, she means it in a different way than you think

It doesn't necessarily mean they voted for Mitt Romney or that they are really religious (although I guess both those things could be true also). It means that immigrant families came to this country and kept to themselves because of how they were treated. So they can be skeptical meeting new people. And a little bit demanding about who their kid is spending time with.

3. She's probably not going to have an arranged marriage

Arranged marriages are still very much a thing, but they've modernized. If she's going to be arranged at all (which is VERY rare in the U.S.), she'll likely get to meet potential suitors based on families and will have veto power.

4. Indian weddings are huge and they're also the most miraculous event you'll ever attend

They typically last for days, there's mehndi (henna) and should you be fortunate enough to get invited as a plus one, try to make it through the ceremony without asking too many questions about dowries.

5. Everyone possibly has a specific nickname and you won't be able to pronounce any of them

But you'll probably be asked to try, and then you'll get a lecture about how you're using a 'w' sound when you need to use a 'v.' (And yes, I have an embarrassing nickname too and no, I'm not saying what it is on the Internet, but Indian chicks, I FEEL YOU.)

6. For the second date you're going to say, 'Oh, I know a great Indian place,' and you won't be the first person to pull that line

Not a bad thing, mostly it's just hilarious that it's a thing so many people do. Chances are, the girl you're having out with will be down to go for Indian food, but she'll know a better place than you.

7. She might have sensitivities about her culture

As do many people. She comes from a culture that, while beautiful, can be strict and occasionally overly traditional. She might get a lot of pressure from her family to move in a specific direction. Again, she might not, but know that it's a possibility.

8. Different regions specialize in cooking different things

India is huge. Just like our Northeasterners are different from Southerners, we have North Indians and South Indians, and so on. Foods have different names in different places. Not everyone just eats naan. Some people make dosas, some make pooris, all depending on where they are on the map, or what their family prefers.

9. There are more Indian dialects that you think

And they will confuse the hell out of you.

10. 'So, do you worship cows?' is not an acceptable question

And also, no. But there's a good chance she won't eat beef, or that her parents won't.

11. She possibly did yoga before it was a trendy thing

I hear how that sounds, but I don't care because while you were being a cute toddler, she was possibly being taught how to meditate in a temple an hour from her house. And no, she doesn't have an Om her room or on a chain around her neck because it's ~~trendy~~.

12. Her knowledge of Bollywood films is probably worse than you think

Though like, while we're on this topic, it'd be a good idea if you learned who Aishwarya Rai and Hrithik Roshan were. They're both absolutely stunning, so it's for your own good.

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