Hook Up Apps For Teens

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As we have said earlier, teen dating apps are not safe for teens, but we have figured out the three worst dating apps that your kid might be using right now. Take a look at them below. Kik is a text messaging app that allows teenagers of 13 years and above to use it. This app lets you hook-up with other people. And it is free to use. OkCupid discovers the best go out according to your preferences and it’s also one of several top-rated “ hook-up apps ” worldwide. It discovers the best software partners regional, according to your local area and quickly rating images and details about your own fits. OKCupid enables you to submit unlimited and cost-free information to users.

For teens, dating is an exciting experience. A lot of teenagers will do anything they can to find the perfect relationship. If they are unable to find a date among their classmates and friends though, then they need to search for other options, which is why many teenagers give dating apps a try. However, not every dating app is geared toward a younger audience, so they need to be extra cautious. We review the best teen dating apps on the Internet today!

Top 3 Best Teen Dating Apps


Check our our top picks below:

Teenagers are always on their phones, so it makes sense that themain place they would go to meet people would be an app. There are lots ofdating apps out there, but here are some that teenagers are sure to enjoybecause they are geared toward a younger audience.


Skout is both a social networking site and dating app. It launched in 2007, and became popular due to the fact that it is a dating app with the youngest user base. Anyone 13 years or older can join, making it one of the best options for teens of all ages.


The sign-up process for this site is fairly simple. All you haveto do is link your account to Facebook, Google+, or an email, and you are readyto start searching for matches. However, it is definitely recommended that youadd more information and photos to your profile first before you begin yoursearch.

Users on this app can either scroll through the updates of nearbyusers or look through the photos of those that are willing to meet up in orderto find a match. Both options are easy to use and navigate.

This app has a few features that are unique from the other datingapps out there. First, you can shake your phone to find others that areinterested in chatting with other members. There is a newsfeed feature thatallows you to see the photos and statuses of other members nearby. Then, thereis a list of members that have said they are willing to meet up in person. Ifthere is a specific person that peaks your interest in any of these areas, youcan start a chat with them.


  • It is accessible to teens of all ages.
  • It is free to use.
  • The features are very user-friendly.
  • It has features that are unique from other common dating apps.


  • Not a lot of profile setup is required.
  • The app is not just used for dating.
  • You might get overwhelmed with the number of messages.


Since many of Skout’s members are a younger audience, they try totake safety are seriously as possible. Posts on this site are closely monitoredand exact locations are never revealed. Plus, the site provides plenty ofsafety tips that teens on this site are encouraged to follow. However, eventhough this site is closely monitored, the sign-up process is short, so someonecould easily pretend to be someone they’re not.


Taffy is a dating app that allows users to chat with each other first before even revealing what they look like. This is a great way to teens to meet new people in a safe environment, but this app only allows individuals who are 17 years or older to sign up, so younger teenagers don’t get the chance to use it.


Taffy is a fairly easy app to sign up for. Once you install it,you just have to enter some basic information, which includes your age, gender,email, location, and profile picture. When looking for someone to chat with,you can choose between six different categories: love, friends, hookup, advice,chat, and whatever. You can sign up for as many categories as you’d like.

Once you choose a category, you will be prompted to create a postin that category. This post will include some text of your choice and anobscured version of your profile photo. If you begin chatting with someone, thelonger you keep the conversation going, the more in focus your photo willbecome. This encourages individuals to get to know each other before justjudging based on looks.


  • It has a fairly young audience.
  • The photos of a user are not revealed right away.
  • It is free to use.
  • It allows you to get to know someone better first.


  • The android app is newer and has a lot of issues still.
  • It has a smaller user base than other dating apps.


Since very little information is revealed about you on this app,it is less likely that you will get scammed. Users cannot even see what youlook like unless you engage in a lengthy conversation with them. Therefore,while it is possible to get scammed on this app if you are not careful, it isvery unlikely.


Bumble is a much more popular dating app than the other two options, but it only allows users ages 18 and up, so younger teenagers will not be able to use it. However, the structure of Bumble is great for a younger audience because it allows girls to make the first move for a change.


Bumble is a swiping app, similar to Tinder, but it functionsdifferently because only girls can initiate the conversation. You can simplyswipe left or right through the profiles the show up. Then, if you match withsomeone, you can start a conversation with them. However, this app is morefast-paced than other options because you need to keep the conversation goingor else your chat will expire. Therefore, if you really like someone on thisapp, you need to act fast.

To create an account on this site, it is quick and easy. You cansimply link a Facebook profile, and then all your basic information willautomatically sync. You can make changes to your profile as needed, but onceyou are signed up, you are free to start browsing through profiles if youchoose.


  • Women aren’t overwhelmed with messages.
  • You can download the app for free.
  • The time limit allows conversations to move along faster.


  • It is not accessible to younger teenagers.
  • There is a limited amount of time to keep the conversation going.
  • Some features might come at an extra cost.
  • Men cannot initiate the conversation even if they want to.


Bumble uses a photo verification system to ensure that everyone onthe site is who they say they are. To verify your profile, you will be promptedto take a selfie in a certain pose, then Bumble will use that photo to verifythat you are the same person as in the images you posted. Once a profile hasbeen verified, a verification badge will appear on that person’s profile.

Top 2 Best Teen Dating Sites

While most teenagers would prefer to use an app, there arespecific dating sites that are geared toward teens. They might not be aspopular as mobile options, but they are another way for teens to get out there.

Teen Dating Site

Teen Dating Site does have an app as well, but teens can also easily sign up for it and use it online. This is a simple dating site that is made specifically for teens only, so it is only for users ages 13 to 19, and no one over that age limit.


To become a member on Teen Dating Site, all you have to do isanswer a few simple questions to sign up, including a user name, password,location, and age. You have to sign up and make an account before you can evenview the other potential matches.

Once you are a member, you can browse through other profiles orfind matches by using the “Hot or Not” feature, which is similar to the swipingused on other dating sites. You can also filter users by specific interests tohelp you narrow down your search. Plus, once you find someone that you’reinterested in, you can send messages and even video chat with them.


Hook Up Apps For Teens
  • It is made specifically for teens.
  • It is free to use.
  • It is easy to sign up for.
  • It also has an app.


  • It often has a lot of glitches that need to be fixed.
  • Not a lot of information is required to sign up.


Since the sign-up process is simple, it is difficult to verify ifusers are actually the age that they say they are. Adults could easily go onand pretend to be a teenager. However, the good news is that users aredisplayed with a user name instead of their real name. Plus, not muchinformation is revealed about them in order to keep their details more private.However, any teenagers using this site need to be extremely careful regardless.


MyLOL is another dating site that is created just for teenagers, so users must be between 13 and 19 years of age. This site is not only for teens to find a significant other, but also for them to make new friends online.


To sign up for this site, only a few simple pieces of informationare needed. You will need to provide a username, password, age, and location.It functions similarly to Teen Dating Site, but on MyLol, you can actually viewsome of the other members before actually making an account.

This site has lots of different features that allow users toconnect with each other. First, users can use a search tool to find othermembers. You are able to message any of the other users unless they haverestricted chat setting. Members can also use the “Shout” page to create poststhat are visible to everyone to help them get more attention.

For users that a looking to interact with a larger user base, theycan join community chat rooms and forums to interact with lots of members atonce. Users can also write blog posts on different topics to share theirinterests.


  • It is created only for teens.
  • It is easy to sign up for.
  • It is free to use.
  • It also has an app.


  • There have been lots of reported scammers.
  • You might have to pay to access all features.


This site attempts to keep its users safe, but unfortunately, alot of fake accounts are created. You can go through a verification process toprove that you are who you say you are, but it is completely optional. Also,the site monitors photos to ensure that nothing inappropriate is posted, butthis doesn’t stop fake photos from being uploaded. Therefore, while this app isa fun and easy way to meet other teenagers, it should only be used withcaution.

Top 2 Best LGBTQ Teen Dating Sites


For teenagers in the LGBTQ community, it can often be difficult tofind a good dating sites. Many of the dating apps out there have a large userbase of straight couples, making it hard for individuals of other sexualitiesto find what they’re looking for. Luckily, there are some dating sites that area little more LGBTQ-friendly.


Even though this dating app is only geared towards individuals 18 and older, it is the world’s largest dating app for lesbian, bisexual, and queer women. Older, more mature teenagers that are ages 18 and 19 can easily use this LGBTQ dating app to find their match.


As long as you have a Facebook or Instagram, the sign-up processfor Her is easy. It uses one of those social media accounts in order to verifythe user before they make an account. Then, once you have linked your socialmedia, you are free to start customizing your profile. On your profile, yourname, age, sexuality, photos, and text items will appear to other users.

The main way to connect with others on the app is to use the“Meet” feature. This feature will present you with different profiles, and youcan either like or dismiss them. If you both like each other, then you will beable to start chatting. If you don’t want to search for matches this way, youcan also search through the feed, which is where you can interact with othermembers in real time. There is also an events section that lists all thelesbian events in your area, including concerts, cookouts, and much more.


  • It is geared specifically toward the LGBTQ community.
  • The app is free to use.
  • It has an active user base.
  • It is easy to use.


  • Younger teenagers cannot use it.
  • You need to pay to access all features.
  • Males are not allowed on this app.


Unfortunately, Her does not have an account verification systemwhen signing up. They do try to look closely at your social media to make sureyou are a real person, but it is still possible for scammers to get in.However, you can only get messages from matches and friends, so as long as youare careful, you should have no problems on this site.


While OkCupid is not exclusively for the LGBTQ community, they are open to all types of relationships. They only allow ages 18 and older, so this is another option that is geared toward more mature teenagers.


The sign-up process for OkCupid is lengthier than other datingapps, but it is in place to ensure that you get the most accurate matchespossible. You need to fill out simple information to begin with, which includesyour name, age, sexuality, and location. Then, you need to go on to fill out aseries of questions to help narrow down your search.

Once your profile is complete, you can search through other usersby swiping left or right. However, all the members that show up for your willbe ones that are compatible with you. Each user will have a percentage on theirprofile to show how compatible you will likely be. In order to make thesepercentages as accurate as possible, you can answer even more questions, but itis not mandatory. Once you match with someone, you can message them. You cansend messages to people before you match with them, but this does not guaranteethat they will like you back.


  • It is free to use.
  • Profiles are detailed and personal.
  • There is a large user base of over 10 million members.
  • It matches you with others based on specific preferences.


  • You need to pay extra to access all features.
  • It is not only for LGTBQ members.
  • Younger teenagers cannot use it.


While OkCupid does have moderators to monitor the activity on thesite, there isn’t a photo verification system in place, so it is possible forscammers to get on. However, since your need to fill out a questionnaire to usethis site, it is less likely that fake profiles will be created, but it isalways better to be safe than sorry.

Things to Be Aware of in Online Dating for Teens

When it comes to online dating to teens, there is a lot to be careful of. Scammers might take advantage of teens and young teenagers might be too trusting of everyone they meet. It is important for all teenagers to be aware of the following things before they decide to date online.

Always Be Cautious

Not everyone is always who they say they are online. Even ifsomeone seems very kind and trustworthy, you still need to be careful. Scammersare tricky and will do anything they can to get you to trust them. For thisreason, they may specifically target teenagers because they think it’ll beeasier to trick them. Therefore, if you are a teenager looking to date online,always be cautious when talking to other users.

Don’t Give Out Personal Information

This goes along with being cautious because you should never give out personal information to someone you don’t know. Most dating sites limit information to a name, age, and whatever other information you’re willing to share publicly. It’s okay to have conversations with people online, but if anyone starts asking for overly specific information about you, then this is a red flag. Just because someone asks you something does not mean you need to answer them or give them what you want. Do not give users information that could possibly be used against you in the future.

Take Your Time

As a teenager, you have a long life ahead of you. You’ll haveplenty of chances to date and meet new people. Therefore, you don’t need torush into anything while dating online. Take your time when talking to someoneso that you can really get to know them. Scammers might try to rush into thingsand meet up with you as soon as possible, so if someone seems to be pressuringyou to move interactions forward, you might want to stop talking to them. Onlymeet up with someone or give them another means of contacting you once the timeis right. Never rush into it right away.

Only Meet in Safe, Public Areas

If you have been talking to someone online for a long period of time, then you may want to meet them in person. Meeting in person can verify that someone is an actual person, but it doesn’t always mean that they are who they say they are. Therefore, if you are certain that you want to try meeting someone face to face, make sure you meet in a safe, public area. Also, make sure that someone close to you knows exactly where you’re meeting just in case something goes wrong. These may seem like overkill, but little things like this can keep you safe from any bad people out there.

Avoid Talking to Adults Online

For some teenagers, talking to an adult on a dating app might seemcool, especially if you are under 18. However, many adults are not actuallylooking to date someone much younger than them, but instead, they are lookingto trick them. Young teenagers often fall for these tricks because these onlinepredators know exactly what to say to earn a teenager’s trust. However, theseactions are actually illegal with anyone under 18, so if you are a teenagerlooking to date, you should only be looking for other people your age.

Don’t Let Online Dating Control Your Life

If you meet someone nice online, it can be tempting to spend themajority of your time talking to them. Or, even if you haven’t had any matchesyet, you may become glued to the app while trying to find someone to talk to.While it is okay to talk to matches online, don’t spend all your free timedoing so. As fun as it might seem to find matches online, it is not worthgetting in the way of your daily life or neglecting fun events.

FAQ About Teen Online Dating

It is common for parents and other individuals to be concerned about online dating for teens. Here are some commonly asked questions about these actions.

Should Parents Allow Their Teenagers to Date Online?

Every parent has a different way of teaching their kids, so theanswer to this question is really up to the parent. Ideally, kids should not beallowed to online date until they are in high school, and even then, parentsshould make sure to tell them all about online safety. If parents allow theirchildren to date and communicate with others online, they should make sure totalk with them often so that their kids will be aware of all the risks ofmeeting people online.

How Do You Know if Your Teenager is Dating Online?

Even if you don’t allow your kid to using dating apps, there is still a chance that they will get on them behind your back. If a teenager is using a dating app, you may notice them using their phone or computer much more than usual. They might try to use their electronics in places where you can’t see the screen. You might also notice them smiling or blushing while reading messages on their screen. If a parent suspects that their child might be meeting people online, their first instinct might be to take their phone and go through their apps and messages to find out, but this will only break your child’s trust with you. Instead, try to calmly talk about it with them so that you can help teach them about online safety.

You can also try to find their online dating profile using these methods.

How Can I Talk to Teenagers About Online Dating?

As much as you dislike the thought of your teenager dating online,you need to approach the situation calmly. If you yell at them and forbid themto use dating apps anymore, they will likely only get angry and find a way todo it behind your back. Therefore, try to have a normal discussion with them.Make sure you inform them of red flags to look out for and tell them to alwaysput their safety first. You might not be able to get them off these sitescompletely, but at least you can be there for them to answer questions and keepthem as safe as possible.

Hook Up Apps For Teens Iphone

How Can Parents Monitor Their Teen’s Online Dating?

Teenagers generally don’t like their electronic usage beingmonitored too closely, but for some parents, this helps to put some of theirworries at ease. Give your teenager some space with their electronics andrespect their privacy, but you can still set some boundaries. For example, whenthey go to bed, you could have them keep their phone outside of their room toensure that they’re not on the dating app all night. Also, you should make surethat they always tell you where they’re going before they leave the house sothat they don’t meet someone in an unsafe location. You might want to gothrough their phone to see what’s going on, but it is important to respecttheir privacy and only monitor their actions on dating apps when necessary.

Married Hook Up Apps

Aren’t Most Dating Sites Only for 18 and Older?

Yes, most dating sites only allow individuals that are 18 and older to sign up, although there are some that are 17 or up, or possibly even a bit younger. However, even if your teenager is too young for a dating app, they could try to lie about their age to seem cooler. If you know your teenager is using a dating app, make sure they are only using one that is age appropriate to help them avoid getting into trouble.


Hook Up Apps For Teens To Watch

While it is not ideal for teenagers to date online, it is something that happens often. It is important for adults to educate teenagers about online safety as much as possible to ensure that they make good decisions online. The more teenagers know about online dating, the safer they will be, and many may even choose to avoid it because of the risks. When dating online, the more cautious you are, the better, especially at a young age.